<b>Over 4 million downloads on Google Play!</b>
Swing through a dangerous world filled with <b>Buzz Saws, lethal Lasers and hungry Monsters!</b> Just remember that you’re probably gonna <b>lose some body parts</b> along the way!
Unlock cool new <b>characters</b> as you swing along like <b>Carlzon, The Tarantula, Robotto, Zombie Grrrl</b> and more!
If you're having a hard time swinging around, then try the worlds toughest <b>Ragdoll Ninja</b>!
• <b>75+ levels</b> with unique themes!
• <b>Five Levelpacks!</b>
• Unlock different <b>Characters!</b>
• Awesome Mini Challenges!
• <b>Endless mode!</b>
• Settings - Turn on/off Blood, On-screen Buttons, Music and SFX!
• Worlds toughest <b>Ragdoll Ninja!</b>
• Super Smooth Swinging Physics!
• Swing around like a <b>Stickman Ragdoll Spider Man!</b>
• Catchy soundtrack by <b>Boy vs Bacteria!</b>
• <b>No IAP!</b>
•• Even the critics <b>love it! :)</b> ••
<i>"Sometimes you just want something that's <b>fast, easy to play</b>, but still has something to offer on the production side and has a <b>cool mechanic</b>, I think this is it."</i>
- <b>TouchArcade.com</b>
<i>"Hanger’s fundamental gameplay is <b>very good</b> and its weird, dark bent is intriguing."</i>
- <b>148apps.com</b>
<i>"Hanger is the <b>perfect time waster </b> to pull out between quick tasks, or to compete with friends or family."</i>
- <b>Driodnerds.com</b>
<i>"Thanks to its <b>immaculate gameplay and terrific art style</b>, Hanger is a <b>worthy addition for any casual or hardcore gamer.</b>"</i>
- <b>Apptudes.com</b>
<i>“Hanger is worth checking out. <b>It’s fun</b>, fast and even a little off-putting in a horror movie kind of way.”</i>
- <b>Appolicious.com</b>
If you like Hanger then be sure to checkout the sequel - <b>Hanger World</b>, with a <b>Level Editor!</b> Available now on Google Play!</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>